On Saturday, June 17, 2023, the city of Bandung held a skill and art week activity for Islamic education from 30 sub-districts within the city of Bandung. The Panyileukan sub-district contingent sent representatives to various competitions, including the Quran Recitation Competition (MTQ), Memorization of the Holy Quran (MHQ), Adhan, Calligraphy, Nasheed, Perfecting Prayer Movements, Quranic Quiz (LCT), and speech competitions held at SDN 136 Sukawarna, Jl. Sariwangi No 1, Sukawarna Subdistrict, Sukajadi District, Bandung City.

SD Juara Bandung participated in two competitions:

1. Quran Recitation Competition (MTQ) represented by Kinanti Husnunnajah, a student from class 3B.
2. Perfecting Prayer Movements Competition represented by:
– Alfaeyza Calief Irvienda Ramadhan from class 3A
– Melody Rizki Aluna from class 3A
– Abdullah Yazid Imana from class 5

Alhamdulillah, with the permission of Allah, the Perfecting Prayer Movements competition successfully won second place out of 30 sub-districts in the city of Bandung. This is an extraordinary achievement and with a long process, hopefully, it will become a valuable experience for the children, especially for the third-grade students, as there are still many opportunities to practice so that next year we can be the champions and represent the province level. Thanks to the school principal Mr. Tito Suhendar, M.Pd, teachers, parents, and guardians who have accompanied and prayed for and encouraged the children.