SMP Juara Bandung won 1st place in the 2019 AIS Championship Futsal for the Bandung Raya region

by | Sep 4, 2019 | Achievement SMP Juara Bandung | 0 comments

SMP Juara Bandung won 1st place in the Futsal competition at the Al Irsyad Satya Islamic School (AIS) Championship held on September 2-3, 2019, at Al Irsyad Satya Islamic School in Kota Baru Parahyangan.

This championship is a regional event in Bandung Raya that is regularly organized by Al Irsyad Islamic School every year.

The Futsal team from SMP Juara Bandung consisted of M. Naufal Asysyadad (Captain), Agi Fathur Rahman, Gea Nanditya Rizatulfahon, and Rifki Hadiansyah from grade 9, as well as Abdullah Al Adiyat Idzharudin, Ramdhan Ahmad Ghifari, Rijal Hidayat, and Rikaz Fadhil Al Azkiy from grade 8, along with Ganis Munggaran from grade 7.