Practicing Precision, Memory, and Concentration by Learning Morse Code

by | Sep 12, 2023 | News SMP Juara Bandung | 0 comments

One of the skills and activities in scouting is practicing codes. There are many codes used in scouting, one of which is Morse code. Morse code represents letters, numbers, punctuation, and signals using a series of dots and dashes that correspond to specific characters in the alphabet or agreed-upon signals used worldwide. This code was created by Samuel F.B. Morse and Alfred Vail in 1835.

On Friday, August 11, a scouting activity was held at SMP Juara Bandung. The scouting program is one of the routine weekly activities at SMP Juara Bandung, alongside school literacy programs, exercise activities, and environmental cleaning initiatives.

During this scouting activity, Mr. Tarudin, S.Pd, as the scout leader, provided material on Morse code. After a brief introduction to Morse code and classical practice, the scout members were divided into groups.

In this activity, each group was tested on their teamwork in using Morse code. Located in the field, each group was divided into two teams: one team to send Morse code and the other to receive or translate the Morse code into the intended message.

The participants in both the sending and receiving teams demonstrated seriousness in their tasks. With precision and concentration, the receiving team was able to translate the Morse code messages accurately. Some groups needed more than one attempt to convey the message correctly as intended by the sender.

Besides adding joy to the Friday morning activity, this event also provided valuable lessons on precision, memory, and student concentration.