Malam Bina dan Taqwa (MABIT) Level 7 SMP Juara Bandung

by | Oct 20, 2023 | News SMP Juara Bandung | 0 comments

MABIT is a program at SMP Juara Bandung aimed at providing students with the space to find deeper meaning in their daily acts of worship and to accustom them physically to worship practices. In this month’s MABIT, held on October 13-14, 2023, the theme was “Strengthening Brotherhood, Elevating Faith,” with the hope that students would become more united in friendship and work together to strengthen their faith.

During this overnight event, some students were given the opportunity to develop their leadership and responsibility skills. They took on roles such as muazin (call to prayer), leading the Al-Ma’tsurat (supplication recitation), delivering short Islamic talks (kultum), leading Qiyamul Lail (night prayers), and serving as security and cleanliness officers.

Since this was the first MABIT for the 7th graders, students were briefed on the purpose of MABIT. Alhamdulillah, the students understood that MABIT is more than just spending the night with friends at school. It holds a deeper meaning. MABIT becomes a time for bonding with the Qur’an, a time for extended Qiyamul Lail, a time to get to know friends better, and to reflect on valuable lessons.

Parents also warmly welcomed this program and were moved by the fact that students chose to reduce their sleep time to enliven the night with Qur’anic recitations.

Written by: Ika Mustika, S.Pd

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