Parenting to Better Understand Generation Z

by | Sep 12, 2023 | News SMP Juara Bandung | 0 comments

Generation Z is in the transition from being elementary school students, who are still childlike, to early adulthood, commonly referred to as adolescence. During this transitional period, teenagers face various problems and concerns, such as the fear of being a burden to their families, the worry of not meeting family expectations, unexpected social events, failures in education, and issues related to existence or social acceptance. What role do parents play in nurturing/guiding their children through these challenges?

A glimpse into the issues faced by adolescents of Generation Z was discussed with Counselor Silka Shafanisa, S.Psi., during a parenting event. The parenting session, held on Saturday, September 9, 2023, was attended by the parents of ninth-grade students.

The discussion was presented very comprehensively by Ms. Silka, drawing from her experience as a learning support unit at SMP Juara Bandung. The problems surrounding junior high school-aged teenagers align closely with those commonly encountered by parents.

During this opportunity, a simulation was conducted for parents on how to handle their adolescent children’s issues. Alhamdulillah, we hope that the materials and experiences shared can be applied at home.

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