Champion Stage at SMP Juara Bandung

by | Sep 22, 2023 | News SMP Juara Bandung | 0 comments

A school is an educational institution where anyone can learn anything. It is essential for educational institutions to offer innovative programs that provide students with valuable learning experiences. With a wide range of learning experiences, it is expected that students will gain extensive knowledge and sharpen their skills. SMP Juara Bandung strives to provide enjoyable programs as a means of learning for its students. One such program is “Panggung Juara” (Champion Stage), where any member of the school community with talents or skills is given the opportunity to showcase them in front of the entire school. The aim is to entertain, motivate, or inspire the school community.

This event is a school program in collaboration with the student council (OSIS) of SMP Juara Bandung. The preparation, including the Master of Ceremony and other arrangements, is handled by the OSIS members with the guidance of SMP Juara Bandung teachers. On Friday morning, September 22, 2023, for approximately 60 minutes, the “Panggung Juara” event took place. Five music groups performed during this session, and it was clear that the entire school community appreciated the performers on stage.

Joy, excitement, mutual respect, courage to perform, fearlessness of failure, teamwork, communication skills, and creativity—these were all evident in the “Panggung Juara” event at SMP Juara Bandung. Hopefully, this program will continue to support the growth and development of the students’ positive abilities at SMP Juara Bandung.