SD Juara Cimahi

Islamic Bilingual School

SD Juara Cimahi

Fostering a Generation of Excellence, Creativity, and Global Competitiveness

SD Juara Cimahi

Our Value: Qur’an, Character, and Academics

SD Juara Cimahi  is dedicated to producing intelligent generations capable of finding solutions using their potential, independent in fulfilling duties and desires, competitive in facing challenges, and environmentally conscious in their commitment to preserving and caring for the environment.

Principal Message

Welcome to SD Juara Cimahi. Here, we are committed to shaping an exceptional generation—one that is intelligent, independent, competitive, and environmentally conscious. Our 3A Curriculum consists of the Academic Curriculum, aligned with the national standards; the Character Curriculum, which instills the JUARA values (Honest, Resilient, Trustworthy, Religious, and Active) through the 7 Juara Habits and 12 Virtues; and the Al-Qur’an Curriculum, which helps students recite the Qur’an with proper pronunciation and become memorisers of the Qur’an. We are ready to support your children on their journey towards success in both this world and the hereafter

Hendi Munandar

Learning Goals

Inspired by Surah Ibrahim 14:24:

Do you not see how Allah compares a good word to a good tree? Its root is firm and its branches reach the sky

Our educational approach aims to cultivate a generation likened to a good tree, where its roots, trunk, and fruits are all virtuous. At SD Juara Cimahi, the JUARA character values (Honest, Resilient, Trustworthy, Religious, and Active) represent the strong roots, the 3A+ Program (Academic, Character, Qur’an, and Environmental Awareness) forms the sturdy and branching trunk, and the CERDIK personality (Smart, Independent, and Competitive) is the fruit. Through this generation, we hope our students will be leaders in the future, ready to face upcoming challenges.

Featured Program

Qur'an Tahfidz and Tilawah Program

This program is designed to instill a love for the Qur’an by teaching students to recite the Qur’an with proper pronunciation (tartil) and to memorize the Qur’an with strong retention. The UMMI method is used to achieve these goals

12 Islamic Manners Program

Through this program, students are trained to apply the 7 Juara Habits (waking up before dawn, praying on time, morning and evening dhikr, honoring parents, being polite in interactions and speech, studying diligently, and being independent in activities) and the 12 Islamic Virtues in their daily lives. This program aims to shape students into individuals of noble character, good manners, and exemplary behavior in their social interactions

Literacy and Numeracy Program

his program focuses on building students’ reading, writing, and math skills. Through fun and interactive lessons, students learn to think critically and solve problems in their everyday lives.

Talent Development Program

Every student has unique talents, and this program helps them discover and develop their skills in areas like art, sports, and other activities through extracurricular programs.

Bilingual Program

This program is designed to improve students’ English skills. They get plenty of practice in speaking, reading, and writing in English, helping them become more confident and fluent.

STEM Strengthening Program

This program combines Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education with hands-on projects. It encourages students to think creatively and solve real-world problems, preparing them for the future.


We believe that student potential is nurtured not just in the classroom but also through a wide range of extracurricular activities. We offer various programs designed to enhance students’ talents, interests, and skills beyond the academic curriculum

Fine Arts

Express your creativity and improve your artistic skills in various drawing techniques


Play and enjoy futsal while improving teamwork, strategy, and athletic skills.


Engage in scouting activities that teach survival skills, leadership, and community service.


Learn traditional and modern dance styles to express yourself through movement and performance.


Develop your research skills and present your scientific projects in school exhibitions.

Pencak Silat

Practice this traditional martial art to build discipline, strength, and self-defense skills.


Master the art of archery, focusing on precision, concentration, and technique.



A place for fardhu prayers and Friday prayers, as well as routines for Quran recitation and morning activities.

Art Studio

Used to support student learning that involves art practices


Used to support the school’s literacy culture

Counseling Room

A comfortable space to support students’ mental health and personal development.


A spacious area for various sports activities and physical development of students.

School Health Unit

Used for taking care of students who are unwell while at school.


Used for hosting parenting events or meetings.

Tuition Fee

Registration Fee
Annual Fee


1st Place in the STEAM Boat competition, where students created a prototype boat from plasticine, at the SAF Profile Contest held by SMP Salman Al Farisi, Bandung • 1st Place in the Musabaqah Hifdzil Quran (MHQ) Boys’ Category at the Islamic Education Week (Pentas PAI) for elementary schools in Cimahi. • 3rd Place in the Storytelling Illustration Competition at the National Student Art Festival and Competition (FLS2N) for elementary schools in Cimahi. • 1st Runner-Up in the Quiz Competition at the Islamic Education Week (Pentas PAI) for elementary schools in Cimahi. • 8th Place in the Al Ma’soem Archery Championship 1.0, a national-level competition involving 100 elementary school students from across Indonesia.

Teachers Profile

Video Gallery

Parents Response

Saya sebagai orang tua Shalma Maharani Utami ingin berterimaksih sebanyak – banyaknya kepada SD Juara Cimahi karena membantu dan memfasilitasi semua kegiatan sekolah anak saya sampai sekarang dengan guru – guru dan staf sekolah yang berkualitas serta sangat ramah.

Bunda Shalma

Jazakumullaahu Khayran to all the teachers and staff at SD Juara Cimahi for guiding our child. We hope our child continues to improve at school, and we as parents look forward to working together effectively

Bunda Nabhan

Alhamdulillah, thanks to the guidance of the teachers at SD Juara, my child’s character has improved. I am grateful to all the teachers who have taught my child from grade 1 to grade 6. May Allah reward the kindness of all the teachers.

Bunda Rahma Saqina